Types of Medals and How to Get Them
With HashMemo, you can ask questions about things you don't understand or have questions about during your learning through the Q&A function.
Q&A can be posted with hashtags.
When a question is posted, all users who follow that hashtag will receive a notification.
Best answer and medal
・The questioner should choose the "Best answer" by long pressing on the answer from among the respondents.
・Once the "Best answer" is chosen, the question will be marked as resolved and no new answers can be posted.
・Respondents selected as the "Best answer" will be marked with the [color-E90B0B]best-answer-image[/color-E90B0B] best answer mark.
・Medals will be awarded to respondents based on the number of "Best answer".

Gold Medal: 100 Best Answers

Silver Medal: 50 Best Answers

Bronze Medal: 25 Best Answers
・The awarded medals will be displayed on medal-image "Medal" tab of profile-image "Profile" in the lower right corner of the screen, along with the date earned and the hashtag for which you answered the question.
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